Wednesday, August 8, 2012

A Quick Hello. . . .

Just a quick note to say: the next week or so is going to be highly busy, so I probably won't be around much.  Hubby's sister is in town and also found out today that his Aunt and Uncle will be coming down this weekend as well, so lots of plans to visit, among other things! Also, my Dad is having knee surgery today, second one on this knee, everyone say a little prayer that this surgery will fix the issue (and that he will be a good patient for me).

But I promise I will soon be back and when I do I will probably have lots of posts to share with all of you! 

Hope everyone is well!



  1. Good luck - I will pray not only that his surgery goes well but that you have the energy and patience you need.

    Have fun with your sil...

  2. Good luck to your dad!
    Have fun <3
